Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Can you believe Halen is almost two?

Hello again everyone!

It has been a while since I have truly updated Halen's comings and goings. He is growing so quickly and in so many ways lately. His speech is amazing to me. We have conversations all the time. He tells me what he wants and thinks ALL the time now. Sometimes I love it and sometimes I do not. Today we were at the store picking out a birthday gift for his future wife Julia. If he didn't like something that I was picking out he would tell me, "I don't like it." At first I didn't think I heard him correctly. When I picked out something that he DID like, he said, "I like it." What a stinker huh? These new phrases continued at JoAnns when we went there. I went to get a keepsake box for my fathers flag. He told me he liked it when I put it in the cart. Funny!
His last four teeth are coming in. Actually they started a couple of weeks ago. He had a high fever and Croup on top of it. The night before my fathers funeral, we were at the hospital until one in the morning. Halen was a big fat mess that whole week. All he wanted was me! I was so overwhelmed with him and all that was going on. Anyway, he is back to himself and not a minute to soon.

He is VERY into Thomas the train. We went to visit his cousins last week and they still have their old Thomas stuff. He was in HEAVEN. He played with the trains and tracks for quite a while. I think I will have a Thomas themed Birthday party for him this year.

His new favorite thing is OUTSIDE!!! Ever since we got this break in the weather he wants to be outside. He loves playing with the neighbor dogs and talking to the neighbors. He knows all the dogs names and he knows Charlie who lives behind us. We went for a nice walk last night and Halen did not want to go home. He cried when I got him out of the stroller.

Most notably however, Halen has been in a toddler bed for several weeks. He kept trying to climb out of his crib so I had to go to a bed. The first night was rough. After that it was smooth sailing. He loves his bed!


Anonymous said...

What a cutie!!! I can't believe he is talking so much already. Tania

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