Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Summer is Flying By!!

Wow, summer seems to be getting away from us. I feel as though it just began and here we are almost into August.
Halen loves the warm weather, being in the yard and swimming in the pool. Or, as he says "the big wimmin pool!" He also like to ride around on one of his 6,000 cars or bikes. He parks them next to his toy box outside and tells me he's putting them in the garage. Uncle Tommy got him a mini 4wheeler for his birthday. He loves driving it, but he doesn't understand how to steer it yet. He is always stuck up against something.
Our dog is getting big quick. He LOOOVVVEEESS Halen. Even though they constantly steal from one another like brothers, Halen loves Jager too. He likes to give him treats and pet him. He also likes to sit on him and try to get him to wiggle.
We have been pretty low key so far this summer. Halen has seen fireworks 4 times though. He really likes them. This past weekend we went to Yale to visit my brother. It was the Bologna Festival. We went to the parade in town. Halen sat for almost 2 hours without a peep. All of his favorites were there. Fire trucks, tractors, trucks, motorcycles, go carts, etc..... He was in car heaven!
Also last week, we saw the Budweiser Clydesdales up at Rogers Roost. He still tells me about the horsies. It was really neat to see.
Along with the joys of summer have come some not so fun stuff. Halen has been waking up a lot at night. Probably nightmares(which are normal at his age) and he thinks that he doesn't need a nap. He also has become well acquainted with Time Out. My favorite is his latest saying when things aren't going his way. He tells me to leave him alone. What a stinker huh?
We will be having a big 40th Birthday party for Carl next weekend and at the end of August we are taking Halen to Great Wolf Lodge in Traverse City. I am looking forward to both events.

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