Thursday, February 12, 2009

"On-Cation House" & What's up

We had to go up north to close my dad's estate on the 9th,so we decided to stay at the cottage for a few days. Halen was excited all week to go. He just loves it up there. The weather was beautiful. It made it nice to be outside. Carl took him down to the lake to walk on the ice, but once they got there he didn't want to do it. We took his new legos and built lots of castles and cars.

I think that he is getting a little stir crazy from being cooped up all winter. The melt-downs the past two weeks have been a lot of he is also going through a phase where he likes to climb in bed with us in the middle of the night. Sometimes I don't even realize he does it until the next morning.

He is very into his scooter, trains, legos and cars. I set him up a play area in the basement so he could have a little more room for his toys. If I'm not tripping over them in the living room, I am constantly picking up his room. Out of sight, out of mind I say!

He weighs 30 pounds and is 35 inches tall. He just went through a growth spirt. I swear he asked me for cheese 3 or4 times a day for a week straight.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Hello 2009

Hello again everyone!

Christmas was great this year:) Halen was excited about all of the gift that Santa brought him as well as everything else he got from family, friends and Carl & I. He got the scooter he had been asking Santa for for months! He also got lots of Thomas & Cars stuff. HE LOVES CARS!!
Anyway, I will post pictures and another update soon.