Thursday, November 1, 2007

The itsy bitsy spider

Eating My Kit Kat, spider Halen & Chloe Dog!!

Halloween was a lot of fun this year!

Aunt Cathy, Aunt Anita & Uncle Carlos came over for pizza. They passed out candy while we trick or treated.
We only went to three houses in our neighborhood. Halen ran the whole time. We went next door to Walt and Bonnie's first. Their dog Chloe and Halen are best buddies. Halen was so excited to see her and just let himself in their house to go see her. He went back to the door 3 times for more candy too.
Later we went to our friends Bill & Renee's house. We got to see Tyler dressed up and some of the neighbor's kids too. Scott and Tania stopped by with Julia. She was such a sweet lamb. Halen's first really big Halloween (for us anyway) was wonderful! I will have more pictures soon. The few here are from only one camera. I have to get film developed yet.

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