Hello all. Can you believe that Christmas is just 6 weeks away? I am excited about Halen's first big Christmas. Although I think that next year will be the one that HE is most excited about. I have already started shopping for him. I can't help myself. I even taught him to say Santa.
It is crazy how fast he picks up words lately. I reposted his word list below with his new additions.
- Daddy
- Mama
- Doggy
- Eat
- Chair
- Juice
- Shoes
- Car
- Tree
- Tire
- Tea
- Cracker or Crack
- Nana aka Banana
- Grapes (a favorite)
- Night-Night
- Outside
- Village (because of our Halloween village that we have on our mantel)
- Hi
- Bye
- Ty-ee (Tyler)
- Nay Nay (Renee)
- Bill
- Bottle
- Hot
- Sun
- grrr..the sound a dinosaur makes
- woo-woo....the sound for a fire engine
- Snack (nack)
- Flower
- Cathy
- Train
- Frog
- Coffee (caw-caw)
- Cuck-uh (for when he sticks his hands in the plants or garbage can)
- Ball
- Book
He learns something new every day it seems. He loves to read books and for me to read them to him. He also LOVES his baby einstien flash cards. That is how he knows a lot of his words. He could sit forever and look at them.
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